“I don’t have to go to programs I don’t like or that aren’t for me.” “I’m now in a jazz band!”
Quotes from two people who are now self-directing their supports
We evaluated the implementation of the Real Lives legislation and self-direction services by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. Real Lives was enacted in 2014 to expand self-direction of supports and services by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Real Lives Law seeks to expand the number of people with IDD who manage their own supports and services, with the main goal of supporting people to live self-determined lives.
We conducted an independent evaluation to assess the implementation of the law by the Massachusetts DDS, determining the effectiveness of outreach and enrollment efforts, assessing infrastructure, and looking at program administrator and participant perceptions of the services.
Self-direction has been an option in Massachusetts since the 1990s, but the program has grown very slowly since that time. The Real Lives legislation marked an effort to provide momentum for self-direction and to spell out the ways in which DDS could facilitate increased enrollment.
Under a contract with DDS and alongside project partners, we conducted an evaluation to look at the implementation of Real Lives and address fundamental questions:
We sought input from stakeholders of all types to understand program infrastructure and implementation from their perspectives. Our data collection efforts included:
We identified six state DD agencies that had significant experience with developing self-direction options and conducted interviews with key experts from these states. Each interviewee expressed a belief that self-direction is an important option, and each state has specific plans to continue to grow self-direction. Some of the lessons that can be drawn from the experiences in these states include:
Quotes from two people who are now self-directing their supports
Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services
Kevin Mahoney, founding director of the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services
Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network)
Public Partnerships, Ltd