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Let's talkNorth Dakota Person-Centered Practices
Person-Centered Practices assist individuals to have control over the life they desire and engage fully in their communities
Every person should have the opportunity to define their happiness and the life they desire. A person’s life is realized when family, friends, community members, and service providers actively listen to what matters to a person, by respecting and honoring their values, strengths, culture, hopes, and dreams. Person-Centered Practices occur through the development and implementation of services and supports that are informed by a person’s preferences, strengths, and choices. North Dakota is developing a strong and consistent statewide vision and universal understanding of person-centeredness across all North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (ND DHHS) entities and community partners. Together we will: bring diverse voices to the table, support individuals participating in services and statewide system change efforts, transform policies to reflect statewide person-centered values and culture, and ensure communication is accessible and relatable.
Past Webinars
Building Foundations for Person-Centered Practices, Part 1 of 3
Speakers: Michael Smull, Jake Anderson, Sheryl Beard, Tanya RedRoad
The first webinar in a three-part series from the North Dakota Department of Human Services, presenters discuss what Person-Centered Practices are and share lived experiences to demonstrate why they are important. Details on North Dakota’s Person-Centered Practices initiative were discussed, including how the State is developing a strong and consistent vision and universal understanding of person-centeredness across all North Dakota Department of Human Services entities and community partners. The webinar took place on September 9, 2020 from 10:30-12:00 Central Time.
View the recording.
Download the presentation slides.
Putting People at the Center of the Practices, Part 2 of 3
Speakers: Jennifer Turner, Alisha Owens, Lindsay Schuh, Shannon Strating, Shannon VandeVenter
During the second webinar in a three-part series, presenters discuss practical tips on how stakeholders can support people with disabilities in the process of person-centered planning. Speakers demonstrated that person-centered planning is for everyone; shared best practices on receiving person-centered services online; and discussed choice, decision-making, self-determination, risk, and the element of consent.
Download the presentation slides.
Embracing Diversity in Person-Centered Practices, Part 3 of 3
Speakers: Tawara Goode, M. Angel Moniz, Ganesh Suryawanshi, Leslee Williams
The final webinar in the three-part series, presenters discuss the impact of cultural awareness, competency and equity in person-centered thinking, planning, and practice. Speakers demonstrated that person-centered planning is for everyone and share best practices for increasing accessibility related to communication and language barriers to ensure that plans and practices are personalized and reflect the desires of the person receiving services.