Roy Gabriel
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Board Chair

Roy Gabriel was a Director of Behavioral Health Research and Evaluation at RMC Research Corporation and a clinical associate professor at Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon. Dr. Gabriel focused his research and evaluation expertise on the study of substance use and early intervention in schools and communities. He has conducted national, state, and local evaluations of prevention, intervention, and treatment programs; conducted statewide surveys of youth health behaviors; and provided training and technical assistance on evaluating local alcohol and other drug prevention programs in nine western states.
In his role at RMC, he designed and directed a variety of research and evaluation studies funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s Centers for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) and Treatment (CSAT), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He was a senior member of the national cross-site evaluation of the federal Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative, a program jointly funded by the U.S. Departments of Education, Justice and Health and Human Services. He also directed a 5-year quasi-experimental study of the outcomes of Washington State’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant. These multisite projects are aimed at reducing substance use and violence in the nation’s schools and communities.
Since entering the substance abuse prevention and treatment field, Roy has made more than 100 presentations at state and national conferences including the American Evaluation Association, the American Public Health Association, the Association for Health Services Research, the National Prevention Network, the Society for Prevention Research, and Robert Wood Johnson’s Substance Abuse Policy Research Program. He has published his methodological work in such peer-reviewed journals as Evaluation and Program Planning, the Journal of Community Psychology, the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, and the Journal for Behavioral Health Services and Research.