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Let's talkIntellectual & Developmental Disabilities
NCI: Racial and Ethnic Disparities and Inequities in Quality of Life & Health
The NCI team looks at recent NCI survey data by race and ethnicity, examining the lack of equity or equality of opportunity that may explain some of the disparities. They also share ways that states are working to take corrective action.
Transparent, equitable systems based on individually tailored, self-directed supports
Since 1976, we've been working with self-advocates and families to research effective community-based services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). We've been excited to assist agencies in moving consistently in the direction of higher-quality, more person-driven, self-directed services:
- Relocating people with IDD from public institutions into integrated community living options
- Applying Medicaid waiver funds efficiently and effectively to achieve community-centered policy objectives
- Expanding community support systems to include public funded services and other complementing resources
- Growing the availability of practices to support families
- Expanding quality assurance and improvement systems
- Supporting the self-advocacy movement
- Expanding self-directed supports options
We collaborate with national organizations in these efforts, including the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services to support the National Core Indicators – an outcome measurement system that spans nearly all 50 states. We also have longstanding partnerships with the Institute on Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts and the Research and Training Center on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota.
We also assist IDD agencies around the country to allocate resources more efficiently, effectively, and equitably. This process often involves systems changes to alter the services available, rebase reimbursement rates, assess individual support needs, and assign personal supports budgets to each individual.
Team Members
- John Agosta
- Alexandra Bonardi
- Valerie Bradley
- Kate Brady
- Jamekia Collins
- Lindsay DuBois
- Jess Fralix
- Jodi Franck
- Sara Galantowicz
- Stephanie Giordano
- Karen Gruber
- Dorothy Hiersteiner
- Virginia Juarez
- Yoshiko Kardell
- Colleen Kidney
- Eric Lam
- Nicole LeBlanc
- Michelle Leigh, PMP
- Jared Lestik
- Henan Li
- Jennifer Negus
- Jami Petner-Arrey
- Jade Presnell
- Saska Rajcevic
- Cheryl Sartori
- Alena Vazquez
- Heather Young