This is my archive
Illinois at the Tipping Point
In 2011, the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities asked HSRI to refresh the findings originally described in the Gap Analysis project conducted in 2007, review the progress made in Illinois…
National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)
Opportunity The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is a national technical assistance center funded by the Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare &…
Pierce County Behavioral Health System Study
Opportunity Working with the Pierce County Council, we helped create a comprehensive picture of the county’s behavioral health system and needs, and a roadmap for improvement. Approach Analyzing a behavioral…
Milwaukee County Mental Health System Redesign
Opportunity To help Milwaukee County address a pressing need for a solution to systemic problems, we worked with partners at the Public Policy Forum and the Technical Assistance Collaborative to…
Jail Diversion Cost Simulation Model
Opportunity Along with partners at Policy Research Associates Inc., we developed and tested a cost simulation model that projects the utilization, consumer outcomes, costs, and potential cost savings of jail…
National Core Indicators® Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities State of the Workforce Survey
Opportunity Working with our partners at National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), states, and service provider agencies, we examine workforce conditions and opportunities for support staff…
Personal Supports Budgets
Opportunity For over a decade, we worked with project partners (Burns & Associates and Davis Pier Consulting) and numerous states and Canadian provinces to reimagine the way they provide supports…
Minnesota Waiver Reimagine
Opportunity HSRI is working with Minnesota’s Department of Human Services and project partners (National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, Burns & Associates/HMA, and the University of Minnesota)…