This is my archive

Testing Family Support and Family Empowerment: Key Findings Across Four Pilots

In 1988 the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Planning Council CDDPC) funded four pilot demonstration family support programs. This report presents the findings of an evaluation of one of the four programs.

Assessing and Enhancing the Quality of Services: A Guide for the Human Services Field

The following manual provides a new way of viewing quality assurance mechanisms and presents a variety of concrete methods for enhancing service quality while also regulating provider accountability.  The purpose…

Community Support Skill Standards: Tools for Managing Change and Achieving Outcomes

The Community Support Skill Standards (CSSS) identify the master level practice standards for direct service workers in progressive, community-based human service work environments. Developed and validated by a national coalition…

Pennhurst Longitudinal Study: Combined Report of Five Years of Research and Analysis

Longitudinal study of the impact of the closure of Pennhurst Center, in Pennsylvania, on public policy costs and individual outcomes.

Illinois at the Tipping Point

In 2011, the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities asked HSRI to refresh the findings originally described in the Gap Analysis project conducted in 2007, review the progress made in Illinois…

2016 NCI-IDD Staff Stability Survey (State of the Workforce)

The 2016 NCI-IDD Staff Stability Survey Report, now known as the State of the Workforce Survey, presents the results of a survey on employment and working conditions for direct support…

2015 NCI-IDD Staff Stability Survey (State of the Workforce)

The 2015 NCI-IDD Staff Stability Survey Report, now known as the State of the Workforce Survey, compiles survey data taken from provider agencies regarding the direct support professional (DSP) workforce. The 2015 survey…

Behavioral Health Team Describes Its Approach to Systems Change

In this one-pager, the Behavioral Health team describes their unique approach to systems change and their aims in behavioral health needs assessment.

Training Materials for Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC)

HSRI, in partnership with Mission Analytics, developed a webinar and resource guide on behavioral health promotion and suicide prevention for person-centered counseling professionals in the states that received Aging and Disability…