NCI Annual Summary Report 2011-2012

Date: 11/2013

Author(s): NASDDDS & HSRI

National Core Indicators (NCI) began in 1997 as a collaborative effort between the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). The goal of the program was to encourage and support NASDDDS member agencies to develop a standard set of performance measures that could be used by states to manage quality and across states for making comparisons and setting benchmarks. Fifteen states initially stepped forward to work on the Core Indicators Project, as it was originally known, and pooled their resources to develop valid and reliable data collection protocols. Over time, NCI has become an integral component of over half the states’ quality management systems and aligns with basic requirements for assuring quality in HCBS Waivers. NCI states and project partners continue to work toward the vision of utilizing NCI data not only to improve practice at the state level but also to add knowledge to the field, to influence state and national policy, and to inform strategic planning initiatives for NASDDDS.

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